PL/SQL: Joinrows - Convert multiple [returned cursor] rows into one row
This routine converts multiple rows into a single row. The trick is to pass the data via a SYS_REFCURSOR
(see the CURSOR
call in the example).
Example Usage :
select joinrows(cursor(select contract_id from contract where rownum < 10 )) from dual;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION joinrows( sysref_cursor_in sys_refcursor, s_delimiter_in VARCHAR2 := ',' ) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS s_value VARCHAR2(32767) := Null; s_result VARCHAR2(32767) := Null; s_delimiter VARCHAR2(100) := NVL(s_delimiter_in,','); BEGIN LOOP FETCH sysref_cursor_in INTO s_value; EXIT WHEN sysref_cursor_in%NOTFOUND; IF (s_result IS NOT NULL) THEN s_result := s_result||s_delimiter; END IF; s_result := s_result||s_value; END LOOP; RETURN s_result; END joinrows;
Be warned -- I've tried to use this function with terrible results. Sorry, I tried it as-is, and also adding a CLOSE cursor statement before returning. Both were equally horribly slow.
Yeah, I can't say that it's fast. I needed it for a specific situation. It works, but you're right, it's not optimized for speed.
I'm new to pl/sql, your function seems like a solution I need for my situation.
I use your function joinrows in the package, and i'm trying to run the cursor as below, but it's not working for me by giving me the error message "FROM keyword not found when expected". Please help. Thanks.
CURSOR c1(tid integer) IS
select joinrows(cursor(select distinct report_id
from reports
where tag_id = tid));
Oops,typo in example. Fixed.
Thanks! It gives me correct output when I ran the SQL alone, however, when I ran as the cursor in the package and fetch to a variable, it gives me nothing. Any ideas? Thanks.
Sorry, I just don't have enough information to answer your question. I can tell that it works from within packages.
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